What Rach’s Clients Say About Her
Before life without Rach I was always confused and muddled, not sure which path I should take or even if the one I was on was the right one. Everyday life was tiring, hard and complicated.
Now life with Rach I feel I am finding myself and my path. Rach has helped to break down my massive decisions into achievable steps. She helped me to start uncovering my true self and brings simplicity into the life choices I make. Daily life is easier and I feel capable of finishing my to do list without feeling overwhelmed.
Thank you Rach you are awesome xx”
Kate Faithful
“I was having a major blockage in my life of late. I felt like I was doing everything I “should” but, not getting any forward movement. I felt really stuck in a financial rut and my business had gone pretty quiet. Basically I was frustrated and at a loss for what to do next. So I booked a few sessions with Rach. I had worked with her before on releasing some old, negative emotions and knew she would get right to the heart of what was going on. Well, she did.
Rach is not for the faint of heart, I’ll tell you that! She believes in facing the obstacles head on. As she would tell you, the answer is going through the pain, not around it. Rach had pointed out an area of my life that I was completely blocking. I hadn’t seen how this personal relationship gone sour was effecting my financials. To me they seemed unrelated. Rach had pointed out that the way Energy is structured is different and that of course it was connected. With her support, I faced that very painful relationship.
My intention was to unblock my energy so that it could flow easily in all areas of my life. I had my meeting, it was both painful and a relief. As I was leaving it I checked my emails, as I do. I found 2 emails: a new client referral and automatic payment sent to my account! I know better than to believe it was just coincidence! Rach did it again! She get’s right into the heart, and that is a priceless gift. Thank you for helping me turn my energy around. I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!“
Therese Tucker
“Working with Rach has brought so much clarity to me and my business. I used to just PUSH to get everything done with marketing and advertising. I was drained and exhausted. I was only bringing in one off sessions that didn’t equate to a sustainable income.
Within 48 hours of my first session with Rach, I was able to manifest and close my first high end client. This client reached out to me and wanted to work with me on a long term basis! It was with such ease and grace she came into my business! Not only did I manifest this client, she is one of my best clients. I adore her, she pays up front, and loves the transformation she is seeing in her life. I am living my purpose by helping others find theirs! I didn’t know it could be this easy!!
My personal life has also reap the benefit of the Source4Shift trainings and working with Rach. I am able to unlock and break through any areas of resistance and blocks. Seriously, this technique is one that everyone should have in their toolbox!
Rach is compassionate, inspiring, and will also tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. Her approach is loving, intuitive, and powerful. She wants you to live in these ways as well and is a wonderful coach to get you to the next level of your life and business! I highly recommend her!”
Mary Bailey Silver
“My session with Rach was one of the most productive two hours I’ve ever spent on my business. Her ability to help me get centred, and gain clarity around what it is that I actually want to achieve was incredible. Rach offered practical advice on how to improve my strategies and helped to clear blocks that were in the way. I highly valued the wonderful exchange of conversation, combined with confirmation and insight of a clear path forward. If you’re stuck with anything in your business, get in touch with Rach today!”
Bek Rowe
“Working with Rach has been one of the best decisions I have made in my business. During our 2 hour session, I got the clarity of the new online course I am creating and the divine download for the key messaging that aligns my whole business.
I walked away with soul-aligned clear messaging I have been searching for, and program packages that I love to create and I am so excited to work on.
If you need help brainstorming new packages, products and ways to blend your skills and passions together, I cannot recommend Rach enough.”
Elva Li
Rach is a wonderful listener and bright, living coach. She truly has a gift for understanding what your needs are and how she can laser in on healing or entrepreneurial ideas for acceleration and growth.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Rach over the course of this year on everything from inner child healing, intuition, and reclaiming power to needing entrepreneurial ideas for next stage of my business.
She delivered on all of the above. Rach gently guides and strengthens you into your power, vision and voice with practical steps you can use throughout your healing journey. I’m so grateful. Thank you Rach!
Zinnia Gupte
“I just want to acknowledge your skills and expert coaching. You literally saved our marriage and have turned our relationship inside out and we are AMAZING!! In just 24 hours after your coaching we went from total breakdown / meltdown / its all over, to total reconnection and total love and understanding.
The past week has been incredible!! I can’t believe it. Our connection is out of this world. Our love for one another incredible – it’s like we have fallen in love all over again. I’m sure my husband will share more from his perspective. Thank you super star!! Please support Rach and engage her services for coaching. She ROCKS!!”
“From the very first time I spoke with Rach I have felt welcomed, supported and heard. She has never been shocked or surprised by anything I’ve said, or admitted to thinking, and she is always open minded and accepting. The reason I have continued working with her – and it is definitely work! – is because she has the ability to be empathetic and understanding for just the right amount before she challenges me to rethink an issue, face a fear or let something go that is holding me back.
I’d definitely recommend working with Rach if you are serious about healing any kind of past hurt and creating the life you want.”
“I have been so blessed and fortunate to have been able to work with Rach for over a year. The shifts that have occurred in my life cannot be counted on all my fingers or toes!
Yes, it’s been that many!
Rach has a gift of amazing insight into where your emotions and patterns come from and how to really dig in and heal once and for all.
As an example, I had a session with Rach last week because I have been struggling with standing in my power with a few different situations.
We focused on my work situation and my relationship with my highly demanding and overly critical boss. Rach got right in there and found the root of my fear and brought to light other areas where this pattern plays out in my life.
Her insight was so right on, and I couldn’t believe that she could see this and I couldn’t. She gave me a powerful self exercise to work with regarding taking my power back in my life from these situations. I worked with these, and the healing was immediate!
The next day, an old wound was brought up and then released! Then, exactly one week after my session, my boss wrote me an apology letter for being rude and criticizing my work. He also shared his appreciation for all that I have done for the company. Do the work, see the difference!
I HIGHLY recommend working with Rach to anyone who needs to heal from past trauma, OR anyone who is willing to grow so they can live the life they truly want and deserve.”
Cindy McCarty
“It doesn’t matter how authentic, entrepreneurial or creative you are there is going to be a time you feels stuck in an area of your life, be it work or personal. Often this mental impasse can take hold other areas of your life and affect you physically too. Sometimes when we are in this position it’s hard to reach out for help from colleagues, employees, family or friends because they rely on us and we fear placing that burden on others creating perpetual anxiety within us.
Over the last few months I felt in this position and the situation was only getting worse. I recognised the need to reach out but until now I didn’t know who to and it was then Rach offered her services and a chance to speak in confidence to someone who I could speak openly to.
We arrange a session and Rach met my mental fears and upset with compassion and empathy and automatically had me at ease. For the next 60 minutes or so Rach confidently led me through her process of becoming unstuck and acted as mentor in giving me a safe space to tap into where my issues lay. Once we had found that place she guided me through letting go and becoming unstuck.
Rach is amazing not only in what she does and how she does it but also because of the person she is. Rach is very special and someone I know I can count on in those times and know she will get results. However, it’s also about aftercare since my session Rach has checked in with me to see how I’m doing and wanted to know about the positive impact our session has had in my life but it’s hard to quantify in words the abundant changes she’s helped me make. The most important thing is she’s allowed me to be myself again and let my work and personal life flow.”
Christopher Bowness
“I’ve been on my own personal development journey for over 2 and a half years now. I’ve been through various coaches, coaching organisations and even through some of the real heavy hitters of this industry and have even coached people myself. I am a successful person, but always felt a certain emptiness, numbness and emotional hole through my journey that no one could pin point. I knew there were patterns, blockages and things inside stopping me from experiencing my fullest potential that I just couldn’t seem to get right no matter how hard I tried and I knew these were stopping me from experiencing my fullest potential, particularly in my relationship.
Rachael has a gift unrivalled in this industry. She is highly empathic and in tune with flow and has an incredible ability to see deep seeded blockages like nothing I have ever seen and most importantly, get her hands dirty and heal them. Most coaches or healers won’t give you that much. She has a “tell it like it is” approach but manages to deliver it in the most loving, nurturing and caring way and is 120% committed to having her clients achieve not only their results, but the highest potential that she sees deep inside of them.
I just had my fourth session with Rachael and I have had the biggest transformational shift of my journey so far. I feel like I have woken up and my career and financial opportunities have never been brighter, but most importantly, my relationship with my partner and relationship with myself have never been better. I’m not done yet so I am truly excited for the next couple of months with Rachael as I uncover more about myself and step into my highest and truest self.
Anyone on their quest for answers within themselves, who wants to step up their game or just delve deeper into their spiritual journey, I can’t recommend Rachael highly enough.”
Cameron Bird
Before starting this course a couple of months ago I was struggling with self-worth and confidence, and didn’t know what in my mind-set was causing me to be in so much self-doubt. Now I can dig deep into my subconscious using the tools, to find out the root cause of my beliefs and clear them myself, which is invaluable.
I now have the confidence and belief in myself to build the life I want and everything is already changing. I am creating new systems and opportunities in my business that I wouldn’t have created or attracted before! I have even attracted 6 new clients where I used to struggle to get one in the same amount of time.
I am now confidently heading towards a fulfilling life living my dreams. I can’t recommend this training highly enough, every entrepreneur should learn it to make the journey to a thriving business so much easier!
Kelly Berger
Zinnia Gupte