Just For You!
FREE: The Relationship Survival Guide For
Couples with Neurodiverse Kids!
Survive the Hard Times & Thrive Beyond Them…

About Rach
Relationship Coach For Couples
With Autistic &/or Special Needs Kids!
With 16+ years of professional experience Rach isn’t your typical Relationship or Transformation Coach but is a mum of 4, her 2 youngest both autistic, non-verbal, with diet limitations and a side of sensory challenges, just for fun..
Married for the second time to her current husband since 2003, they have sailed through the usual life challenges but never struggled more than they did through “hell year” with their littles and the health and behavioural challenges they brought.
Having survived that and still be together (feels miraculous) inspired Rach to focus on the couples who have the highest break up rate – Couples with neurodiverse kids!

Work With Rach


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What Rach’s Clients Say About Her

I hadn’t seen how this relationship was effecting my finances…
Rach had pointed out an area of my life that I was completely blocking. I hadn’t seen how this personal relationship gone sour was effecting my financials. As I was leaving it I checked my emails. I found 2 emails: a new client referral and automatic payment sent to my account!

…my relationship with my partner and myself have never been better…
I have had the biggest transformational shift of my journey so far. I feel like I have woken up and my career and financial opportunities have never been brighter, but most importantly, my relationship with my partner and relationship with myself have never been better.
Cam Bird
Musician/Guitar Teacher, CamBird Music

I would highly recommend her work which has integrity and great ethics…
I had the privilege of working with Rachael in her business, her skills in getting to the heart of a relationship, identifying the fears around that and moving people forward into a life of love is astounding. I would highly recommend her work, which has integrity and great ethics. She is truly talented.
David Brown
Film Maker, David Brown Films